April 15 -
Spc. Kerry M. G. Danyluk, 27, of Cuero, Texas, died at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, Germany, of injuries sustained April 12 when enemy forces attacked his unit with small arms fire in Pul-e-Alam, Logar province, Afghanistan.
April 28 -
Pfc. Christian J. Chandler, 20, of Trenton, Texas, died in Baraki Barak District, Logar province, Afghanistan, when enemy forces attacked his unit with small arms fire.
Sgt. Shawn M. Farrell II, 24, of Accord, New York, died in Nejrab District, Kapisa province, Afghanistan, of wounds sustained when enemy forces attacked his unit with small arms fire.
May 3 -
Pfc. Daniela Rojas, 19, of Los Angeles, California, died in Homburg, Germany, due to a non-combat related illness.
May 11 -
Chief Warrant Officer Deric M. Rasmussen, 33, of Oceanside, California, died in Mazar E Sharif, Afghanistan, as the result of a non-combat incident.
May 13 -
Command Sgt. Maj. Martin R Barreras, 49, of Tucson, Arizona, died in San Antonio Military Medical Center, Joint Base San Antonio, Texas, from wounds suffered on May 6, in Harat Province, Afghanistan, when enemy forces attacked his unit with small arms fire.
May 17 -
Spec. Adrian M. Perkins, 19, of Pine Valley, California, died in Amman, Jordan, from a non-combat related injury.
May 28 -
Pfc. Jacob H. Wykstra, 21, of Thornton, Colorado, died in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan, of injuries sustained as a result of an aircraft accident. The incident is under investigation.
June 2 -
Capt. Jason B. Jones, 29, of Orwigsburg, Pennsylvania, died in Jalalabad, Afghanistan, of wounds received from small-arms. The incident is under investigation.
June 5 -
Pfc. Matthew H. Walker, 20, of Hillsboro, Missouri, died in Paktika province, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when his unit was attacked by enemy fire.
June 9 -
Spc. Terry J. Hurne, 34, of Merced, California, died in Logar province, Afghanistan, from a non-combat related incident.
- They died in Gaza Village, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered while engaged in a combat operation. The incident is under investigation. Killed were:
Lance Cpl. Adam F. Wolff, 25, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, died while conducting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan.
June 25 -
Sgt. Thomas Z. Spitzer, 23, of New Braunfels, Texas, died while conducting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan.
July 24 -
Pfc. Donnell A. Hamilton, Jr., 20, of Kenosha, Wisconsin, died at Brooke Army Medical Center, Joint Base San Antonio, Texas, from an illness sustained in Ghazni Province, Afghanistan.
- They died in Mirugol Kalay, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when the enemy attacked their vehicle with an improvised explosive device. Killed were:
Staff Sgt. Benjamin G. Prange, 30, of Hickman, Neb.; and
August 3 -
Staff Sgt. Girard D. Gass Jr., of Lumber Bridge, North Carolina, died in Jalalabad Air Field Hospital, Afghanistan, from a non-combat related incident while on patrol that occurred in Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan.
August 5 -
Maj. Gen. Harold J. Greene, 55, of Schenectady, N.Y., died in Kabul, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when his unit was attacked by small arms fire. The incident is under investigation.
"The two-star U.S. Army general who was killed in Afghanistan in an insider attack Tuesday was a native of upstate New York who held three advanced degrees from USC and whom colleagues described as a family man and a brilliant logistician with a quick sense of humor.
"Maj. Gen. Harold J. Greene, 55, known to friends as Harry, was believed to be the highest-ranking U.S. military official killed in action since the war began in Afghanistan in 2001. The shooter, who was wearing an Afghan army uniform, was also killed in the attack near Kabul, but not before he wounded 14 others."