Editor & Publisher cites a Unity: Journalists of Color report showing that journalist job losses increased at a rate of 22% per month from September 2008 to August 2009. In the general economy the average job loss rate of increase was significantly less--8% per month during the same period.
The result is that 46,599 journalism jobs have been lost since January 1, 2008. More than 3/4ths of the job losses (35,885) have come in the last year (September 2008 to September 2009). The vast majority (68%) of journalist jobs lost were in newspaper and print journalism.
The job loss rate rocketed to 7,398 in December 2008, with January and March of 2009 also showing major losses.
The report shows Advance Publications (the Oregonian's owner) as losing 974 jobs from January 1, 2008, to September 15, 2009.* The Oregonian has contributed to the Advance losses by shedding a third of its work force in the last two years. This has come by early retirement offers, buyouts and layoffs.
Other than the Oregonian, Oregon's overall position seems relatively good. The latest Oregon Employment Department report shows a loss of about 10% in the information category among newspaper, book and directory publishers. Employment dropped from 6,500 in August 2008 to 5,800 in August 2009. Telecommunications actually gained 100 employees in the same period going from 8,100 to 8,200.
*A typo in the graph title says September 15, 2008, instead of 2009.
Isn't it ironic? Victims of Supply and Demand and they don't even know what I'm talking about.
When 60% of Americans think your work is inaccurate and biased, it's not so great for the financial bottom line or employment opportunities.
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