Such efforts have not staunched losses which have amounted to a drop of 1/3rd in the Oregonian's circulation in ten years (342,789 in September 2002) and 1/4th in the last five years (309,467 in September 2007).
The New York Times (NYT), which saw a 40% increase in circulation in the last year, has actually lost print circulation. (down from 770,586 in September 2011 to 717,513 in 2012) However, digital circulation rocketed from 380,003 in 2011 to 896,352 this year.
In terms of digital circulation rate, NYT's growth rate has slowed in the last six months to 11% while the Wall Street Journal's (WSJ) digital circulation rate has grown almost 44% since March. In September 2011 NYT was playing catch up to WSJ's digital circulation dominance. (WSJ 537,469 vs NYT 380,003) Now WSJ is the one trying to close the gap. (NYT 896,352 vs WSJ 794,594) Still, WSJ's print dominance (more than double NYT's print circulation) keeps it almost 680,000 in the lead for total daily circulation.
Here are ABC's stats for the daily circulation of the top 25 U.S. newspapers:
Total Average Circulation Total Average Circulation
Newspaper Name as of 9/30/12 as of 9/30/11 % Change
WALL STREET JOURNAL 2,293,798 2,096,169 9.4%
USA TODAY 1,713,833 1,784,242 -3.9%
NEW YORK TIMES 1,613,865 1,150,589 40.3%
LOS ANGELES TIMES 641,369 572,998 11.9%
NEW YORK DAILY NEWS 535,875 605,677 -11.5%
SAN JOSE MERCURY NEWS 529,999 527,568 0.5%
NEW YORK POST 522,868 512,067 2.1%
WASHINGTON POST 462,228 507,465 -8.9%
CHICAGO SUN-TIMES 432,455 389,352 11.1%
DENVER POST 412,669 353,115 16.9%
CHICAGO TRIBUNE 411,960 425,370 -3.2%
DALLAS MORNING NEWS 410,130 409,642 0.1%
NEWSDAY 392,989 404,542 -2.9%
HOUSTON CHRONICLE 325,814 369,710 -11.9%
ST. PETERSBURG TIMES 313,003 240,024 30.4%
NEWARK STAR-LEDGER 311,904 210,586 48.1%
MINNEAPOLIS STAR TRIBUNE 300,277 298,147 0.7%
PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER 296,427 331,132 -10.5%
CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER 293,139 243,299 20.5%
ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER 285,088 270,809 5.3%
ARIZONA REPUBLIC 275,622 292,838 -5.9%
LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL 252,174 213,078 18.3%
BOSTON GLOBE 230,351 205,939 11.9%
OREGONIAN 228,599 242,784 -5.8%
HONOLULU STAR-ADVERTISER 224,973 178,082 26.3%
Nice catch, there, TD! At least The Oregonian can still lay claim to being the biggest paper in the Northwest. I could be wrong, but in recent months it appears that they've taken a decided shift rightward in recent months - which I assume is an underlying reason for their long-time cartoonist's decision to bail out.
And if you look at yesterday's editorial: http://www.oregonlive.com/opinion/index.ssf/2012/10/bare_knuckles_and_nonsense.html
we seen that not only have they endorsed a moderate Republican, they take Kate Brown and her union supporters to the woodshed again.
I can't recall them ever doing something like that.
Good catch yourself, Max, on Ohman's leaving.
It might have to do with the piece WW ran in August about the Oregonian probably going the way of the Newhouse newspapers in Michigan, Alabama and Louisiana--cut, cut, cut.
As we've discussed before, the most difficult hurdle the Oregonian has is the lack of first rate reporters who are honest (like Jaquiss at Willamette Week) and go after stories because they are important irrespective of political fall out.
It's the same problem most of the American mass media has--which is why television, newspapers, and magazines are all suffering and losing viewers and readers big time.
Still, good for the Oregonian's editors for having some good sense on the Sec. of State race--and pooh-poohing global warming as a state issue. Heh.
I did my part a number of years ago, cancelling my subscription.
We did too, Sam. A lot of their natural business has been alienated not only because of bias but incompetence (which model most of the mainstream media is following as well). Whether they can make a turn around, as Max thinks they may be trying, is still to see.
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