Monday, October 21, 2013

Fox News Prime Time Program Shifts Pay Off

In the two weeks since Fox News has switched Greta Van Susteren to an earlier hour, Sean Hannity to a later hour, and inserted Megan Kelly after Bill O'Reilly, all prime-time slots have had better cable news viewing percentages.

Ratings in % of cable news viewers (P2+):

. . . . . . . . . . 09/30 . . . . . 10/07 . . . . . 10/14
Bret Baier . .  45.3%  . . . . 46.5%  . . . . 47.6%
Greta . . . . .  43.3%  . . . . 48.8% . . . .  46.9%
O'Reilly . . . . 54.1%  . . . . 58.2%  . . . . 62.2%
M Kelly  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  52.3%  . . . . 54.7%
Hannity  . . .  42.3% . . . .  48.5%  . . . . 49.1%

Besides raising her viewer percentage from her later time slot, Greta Van Susteren, who took over Shep Smith's 6:00 pm slot, raised the ratings in his time slot too.  Smith's 09/30 had 44.6% of viewers, and Greta has raised it 2 points to 46.9%.

Megan Kelly, who took over Sean Hannity's slot, raised ratings of the 9:00 pm slot 12 points, from 42.3% to 54.7%.

Sean Hannity, who took over Greta Van Susteran's slot, raised 10:00 pm ratings almost 6 points from 43.3% to 49.1%.

Bret Baier has seen a 2 point rise, and Bill O'Reilly gained 8 points.

Overall, Fox News has raised its prime time rating 9 points from 46.3% on 09/30 to 55.4% on 10/14.

The Fox News gain seems to have come from CNN as the senior cable news has dropped 10 points from 20.2% on 09/30 to 10.2% on 10/14.

MSNBC has stayed basically the same with a prime time rating loss of about half a point from 23.9% on 09/30 to 23.5% on 10/14.*
*The other 10% to 18% of prime time cable news viewers watch Fox Business Network, HLN or CNBC.

Update: 10/14 percentages have been corrected.


MAX Redline said...

And MSNBC has demanded an investigation into Fox's "impossible" ratings gains. Fun times!

T. D. said...

Didn't know that, Max. I guess they don't know that 40% of Americans self-identify as conservatives and only 21% as liberals. So, Fox should have double MSNBC's viewers. But, CNN should be troubled because a chunk of the 35% who self-identify as moderates have apparently switched to Fox.