Thursday, February 04, 2021

Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Apparently Has Bad Side Effects for Younger Adults

I hear from a friend with a 30 something niece who cares for the elderly that she experienced bad flu like symptoms of diarrhea, nausea, extreme fatigue for two days after receiving the second Pfizer shot. She compared notes with other younger co-workers. A significant number of them got the same flu-like side effects about 16 hours after getting the shot. 

Interesting that no one is monitoring the shots or their after effects. One would think the medical profession would be interested in getting feedback on the new vaccine in order to give all the millions yet to take the shot a heads up on what they might encounter.  

Though, of course, bad side effect reports would not go along with the narrative the "experts" and "officials" give that the vaccination is almost totally good. Which is why one is always skeptical of their claims. They talk with complete authority until one of their claims is proved false. Then, and only then, do they fall back on the line that this is a new thing and they are learning too. But, they don't say that up front when trying to influence people and policies.

My friend who did a little research says that some have suggested that the vaccine is much harsher on younger people with strong immune systems than with older people. My friend who is 70 something and does volunteer help for older people with financial needs got the first shot yesterday. If there are bad side effects to report, I'll post on it.

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