Pretty good interview Time did with Governor Palin. She’s articulate and to the point, as usual.
Why the resignation?
“It is meaningful to be able to say, 'Look, there needs to be freedom all the way around here to progress. Alaska, we're going to continue to waste resources and time if this political game continues, and it will only continue, because it's a game of political, personal destruction is what the attempt is. But for me personally, it doesn't affect me like the way some people would assume, personally. Anybody growing up in Alaska is pretty tough and rugged. And, you know, I've been in politics since 1992. Local politics is really tough, too, so on a local level, on the state, jumping on an international stage, I've got those years under my belt and I expect and even invite the constructive criticism and those things that hold a public servant accountable, and I invite that. But, the circumstances have changed, where we have seen this allowance of critics who lie, who stymie progress and who try to paralyze an administration. That hurts a state. That's not fair to the people of the state. And that's why I said circumstances — my choice is to react to the circumstances, maybe unconventionally, but wisely and fairly to Alaskans.”
Future plans:
“I will work extremely hard for Alaska, continuing to work for Alaska, but helping other people who can effect this change, whether they're in office or out of office. . . . But I'd like to work for other people who'd like to effect change, and Alaska's going to play a big part in the effectiveness of America.”
The Problem with Obamanomics:
“President Obama is growing government outrageously, and it's immoral and it's uneconomic, his plan that he tries to sell America. His plan to "put America on the right track" economically, incurring the debt that our nation is incurring, trillions of dollars that we're passing on to our kids, expecting them to pay off for us, is immoral and doesn't even make economic sense. So, his growth of government agenda needs to be ratcheted back, and it's going to take good people who have the guts to stand up to him, stand up to him and debate policy, not personalities, not partisan politics, but policy to effect the change that we need there.”
One curious sidelight was the extensive “color” commentary leading up to the print out of the interview. There were references to Palin’s inlaws and their orange garage doors and two octagonal house windows. But, Time wasn’t interested in exploring anything about the impact on the first native Alaskan family in American history to be involved in high level national politics. Like having a chance to interview Abraham Lincoln’s family, but focusing on their kitchen curtains instead. A little bizarre.
Cross posted at The Next Right
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