Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Right Scoop: Newt owns Piers Morgan over Obama 'Koran' Apology

Updated to include video footage.

The Right Scoop has video footage here.

The political and philosophical maturity that Newt Gingrich shows here is amazing. I can't imagine either Rick Santorum or Mitt Romney doing anything half this good--at least not Santorum at his current personal maturity level.

Newt's utter self-confidence in his position and ability to explain it without defensiveness or histrionics is impressive.

Romney is good on one liners.
"Romney on Obama: 'He's out of ideas, he's out of excuses, and in 2012 he's going to be out of office.'"
. . .
"More Romney, on cutting fed money for PBS: 'I think it's OK for Big Bird and Kelloggy's Corn Flakes to be on the same program.'"
But, giving real explanations that convince doesn't seem to be in Romney's DNA.

H/T Ian Lazaran tweet

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