"NEW YORK (CBS) Maybe [Joe Nowit] should have practiced with a target before attempting to pelt [President Obama] with tomatoes at a [campaign visit] in Minnesota . . . .”
Then we have Jeremy Paul Olson who hits a police commander in the face with a tomato meant for Sarah Palin. Olson now faces assault charges (on a police officer, no less), disorderly conduct, and was dumb enough to carry an alternate ID which may result in further charges.
Worse yet we have CBS jocularly opining that all might have been well if only Olson has practiced his throw.
“NEW YORK (CBS) Maybe Jeremy Olson should have practiced with a target before attempting to pelt Sarah Palin with tomatoes at a book signing in Minnesota Dec. 7.”Presumably CBS will be saying the same about the first person who throws a tomato (or a shoe) at President Obama.
Apparently Muntazer didn’t learn anything from his trip to jail. One hopes Jeremy will do better. For CBS, there’s really no hope.
Dante suggests there are nine levels of Hell.
Have we covered three of them in this post?
Hmm. All three do have their problems. :-)
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