Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Despite Lowest Oregon Coronavirus Hospitalizations Gov. Brown Extends State of Emergency Powers

Though there is no current factual reason for a state of emergency, Gov. Kate Brown has extended her executive power to July 6th. But, a state of emergency requires an emergency. Currently, coronavirus hospitalizations are at "a new low"--less than 100. A hundred people hospitalized in the state is not an emergency--especially when it is a 40% drop with no facts to indicate a rise is likely.

This is clearly a grab for continued executive power without the normal legislative power to balance executive authority. If this were a Republican governor locking out the current Democrat controlled state legislature, there would be howls of protest by politicians and press. But, because Oregon is a one party state, there is SILENCE.

The Oregonian's take can be seen below. A tiny article on a major extension of executive power and a medium-sized article on the declining danger of coronavirus in Oregon. Both should be front-page news, and their significance should be discussed in the editorial pages. But, they aren't.

Oregonian, May 3, 2020, p.11

Oregonian, May 4, 2020, p. 6


MAX Redline said...

Yep, just another power grab from Katie. No surprise there. Dems seem to love authoritarianism. Kinda reminds me of the good old days in Russia.

MAX Redline said...

In Oregon, more people are killed in car wrecks...and they're usually healthier than the folks who die of COVID complications. Maybe she should lock people out of their cars.

And she just declared another state of emergency, due to drought, It bans camping in the forests.

Unknown said...

She and the Democrats are taking advantage of people's fears not concerned at all about creating an anti-balance of powers political atmosphere. There will be a price to pay at some point. What sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. And the people are the losers.